Wie weiter in Syrien, Mr. Adams?
Diplomatischen Druck über Sanktionen und ein Waffenembargo aufbauen, alle Seiten an einen Tisch zwingen, Überweisung des Falls an den Internationalen Strafgerichtshof und Ausbau der dringend benötigten grenzüberschreitenden humanitären Hilfe – Simon Adams, Executive Director des Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect in New York schildert im Interview mit Genocide Alert notwendige Maßnahmen die in und für Syrien ergriffen werden sollten.
Genocide Alert: Mr. Adams, how is it possible, that peaceful protests escalated into such a cruel civil war?
Simon Adams: The Syrian government created the monster it said it most feared. By shutting down all space for peaceful protest and using deadly force against demonstrators it sowed the seeds of civil war. Despite the extreme violence deployed against the peaceful protest movement it still took some months for an armed opposition to emerge. But once it did, the course was set for a very bitter, and increasingly sectarian, armed conflict.
Genocide Alert: Which options for action have not found appropriate attention so far by the transnational and international community?
Simon Adams: Its not so much a case where there are under-valued options that have failed to receive appropriate attention. Its more of a situation where there is a very bloody and bitter civil war where armed protagonists on all sides are still utterly convinced that they can shoot their way to victory. What is needed is an arms embargo, ICC referral, UN sanctions, cross-border assistance to besieged and displaced civilians, and concerted diplomatic pressure by those who are arming and abetting the conflict to bring all sides to the negotiating table. But a divided UN Security Council, constrained by the vetoes of two permanent members, has made the conflict worse, not better.
Genocide Alert: What are the three most important measures to be taken right now in order to protect civilians in Syria?
Simon Adams: 1. Urgent and unrestricted cross-border humanitarian assistance to IDPs and besieged populations. 2. Referral of the situation to the ICC.
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